Please fill out the form below to submit your abstract for the 2020 Annual Meeting. Please know that submitting an abstract does not imply acceptance or a guarantee of a place in the program. Some submitted papers or posters will likely not be accepted because they may not be suited to the conference, encounter scheduling problems, or have other issues. Decisions to accept or not accept papers or posters are solely the responsibility of the Program Committee. The committee expects that your co-authors are aware of and have approved this abstract. If you present a poster or oral presentation, you must pay the appropriate meeting registration fee. We will finalize our oral and poster presenters by the 1st week of December and all who submitted abstracts will be notified of their status at that time.
Annual Meeting Plenary Theme |
Navigating the Intersections of Science and Policy. |
Instructions |
Fill in all fields indicated below and click on "Submit" to send your abstract.
Abstracts should not exceed 200 words, excluding title and author addresses.
If you are a student, we encourage you to participate in the poster session even if your data are not yet complete. If this is the case, please indicate at the bottom of your abstract that your paper is a work-in-progress.
Deadline |
Abstracts should be submitted no later than October 25, 2019.
The deadline is midnight, PDT.
Any abstracts submitted after that will be considered if space is available. |
Contact |
Please contact Candace Renger (, Meeting Planner, if you have questions or experience difficulties submitting your abstract. |
Note: Session titles may be added or changed at a later date based on papers received. If a group has the desire and sufficient participants to create a unique session please contact the program chair (Kelly Holland