Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society

1970, Volume 6

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TitleModern Aspects of Predator Control
Author(s)Malcolm N. Allison
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Predator control is one of the many problems that must be considered in resource management. Animal damage control is really the proper term rather than predator control and applies to the protection of livestock from predators, and to the management of wild game populations to meet their forage and environmental requirements. The primary predator is the coyote. The coyote population and range has increased steadily over the years in spite of increased human population and control directed toward this species. The big problem in predator control is to bring the proper picture before the public in a way that it can be understood. There is a need for a systems approach to animal control and the refining of techniques for evaluating populations and their effect on the environment. Continued development of humane methods of controlling wildlife responsible for damage should have top priority. There is also much to be learned about rabies in wildlife - we are way behind in gathering this important information.

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