Big game fishing in the eastern Pacific is supported primarily by the Pacific sailfish and marlins. A few years ago this sport was restricted to the affluent who had the time and funds necessary to pursue the sport. In recent years, however, persons of more modest means have been able to participate in the sport as resort facilities have expanded in Mexico and transportation costs have been greatly reduced. Prior to 1963 there was little or no commercial fishery for these species along the west coast of Mexico and the sport catch was small, allowing for a high success ratio. In 1964, however, a Japanese longline fishery, centered off the tip of Baja California, brought about a decline in the sport catch. A noticeable reduction, both in the size of fish and numbers landed, indicated that over-fishing may be taking place. It is not known what the long-term effect of the Japanese longline fishery will have on the sport fishery for these species.