Our radio telemetry study of fisher (Martes pennanti) is being conducted south of Big Bar in Trinity County, California. This report concerns data collected between 15 October 1977 and 15 December 1978. Eight males and three females have been live-trapped, immobilized with ketamine hydrochloride/acepromazine, fitted with radio telemetry collars and released at the capture locations. Signals have been monitored on foot, from vehicles and from aircraft. Additional movement data has come from snow tracking. The largest recorded home range for fishers with more than five locations was 6.89 sq. mi. (1785 ha) and was that of an adult male. The smallest, 1.39 sq. mi. (360 ha) was from an adult female. We presently can see no close relationship between home range boundries and gross topographical features, although there appear to be regularly used travel routes within the home range. Partial home range overlap have been observed between two males and between a single male and a female. No female home range has been found to overlap that of another female.