Western gray squirrels (Sciupus griseus) were live-trapped during the spring and fall of 1978 in Lake County, California. Study areas were located in yellow pine, mixed coniferous, and knobcone pine forests. A total of 3000 trap-nights were conducted in the spring; 3945 trap-nights were conducted in the fall. Throughout the study a total of 179 squirrels were captured and examined 297 times. Catch-per-unit-effort ratios, based upon total number examined, was 0.035 in the spring and 0.049 in the fall. Squirrel abundance was greater in the fall than in the spring. Fall densities were 2.0 squirrels-per-hectare in yellow pine and knobcone pine forests, and 2.8 squirrels-per-hectare in mixed coniferous forest. These data will be used in future geothermal planning at the Geysers-Calistoga Known Geothermal Resource Area to minimize or mitigate detrimental impacts upon western gray squirrels.