Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society

1982, Volume 18

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TitleInfa-red Aerial Mapping of Potential Black-Footed Farret Habitat in Wyoming
Author(s)Jim Bredy, Steve Coy
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Infra-red aerial photographs were used to inventory 260,627 ha for white-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys leucurus) colonies on BLM lands in northwestern Wyoming in 1979. Fifty-nine prairie dog towns were located, totaling 10,348 ha. The remainder of the resource area (approximately 181,943 ha) was inventoried during 1980 and 1981. Twelve additional colonies totaling 687 ha were located. Infra-red aerial photographs were useful in locating prairie dog towns in grasslands and sage (Artemesia sp.)/grassland mixed areas. The photographs were of little use in locating towns in areas of light alkali soils which usually supported saltbush (Atriplex sp.) and cactus. Anthills, bare patches of alkali soil, and some livestock posed identification problems on infra-red aerial photos because they look like prairie dog mounds. The only known population of black-footed ferrets was discovered within the inventoried area during the fall of 1981.

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