We investigated patterns of space and prey use by endangered San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica) on 5 sites at the Naval Petroleum Reserves in California in 1994. Our objective was to identify factors influencing these patterns. Mean values for 11 environmental variables were similar between core and peripheral areas of home ranges used by radiocollared kit foxes. Kit fox core areas may be centered around dens. Kit foxes were located near roads and dry washes more frequently than expected, and most locations were in areas with slopes -6". The occurence of leporids in kit fox scats varied with leporid abundance indicating that use was opportunistic. The occurrence of kangaroo rats (Dipodomys spp.) in scats was always greater than that for leporids, and varied independently of leporid and kangaroo rat abundance. Kangaroo rats may be used preferentially by kit foxes. Relatively flat terrain with an abundance of kangaroo rats constitutes favorable habitat conditions for San Joaquin kit foxes.