Managing the public lands in Nevada involves integrated planning through coordination, cooperation, and consultation with the allotment operator and other affected interests and the use of the minimum monitoring methods identified in the Nevada Rangeland Monitoring Handbook. Since adopting the Nevada Rangeland Monitoring Handbook in 1981, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has initiated monitoring on 300 plus allotments. Through quality control field reviews that emphasize coordinated planning, compliance with BLM policy, and technical adequacy in field methods and management actions as well as the use of the computer analysis program XMONITOR, the monitoring and management approach in Nevada has achieved a high level of professionalism. For each priority allotment being intensively monitored, specific management objectives are developed, monitoring is established to determine if they are being met, evaluation time-frames and approach are identified, and a management plan is written to document these actions through the coordination, cooperation, and consultation process in all six BLM districts in Nevada.